It would be wonderful if everyone who was interested in buying your product or service thought exactly the same way. You could create just one type of marketing and know that anyone who was interested in your stuff would love the content and buy from you.
But that isn’t how the world works. Some people like to read, others like to skim. Some want a short list of “just the facts” while others savor the details and need to do lots of research before they buy. There are customers who will connect to images or video and others who want to listen to information on the go. Some of your clients and prospects will enjoy interacting with you on social media, while others will want to pick up the phone and talk to someone. Do you have marketing tools in place for every type of interaction?
At Roundpeg,we try to offer something for everyone, so we are constantly on the lookout for new tools, plugins and websites which will allow us to reach our target audience in new and relevant ways.
Almost all of our marketing starts here, on our blog, but many people enjoy connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Google+. We have have white papers and worksheets for people who want to be a little hands-on in their marketing. Not only are these white papers a great way to reach a new audience through AdWords and SEO activity, it’s also an opportunity for our strategic partners to steer prospects toward our white papers.
Our podcast More than a Few Words has gone through several iterations. We no longer broadcast live, because we found our audience wasn’t listening on our schedule; they were listening on theirs. Today, we record a show whenever we are having an interesting conversation. We use Audacity so we can edit it if the phone rings or a cat knocks over a beverage as we are recording. We host it on Podbean so we don’t burden the bandwidth on our website and use their tool to push the show directly to iTunes.
In the offline world, we still offer seminars, go to networking events and meet with clients face to face. What about you? How do you reach out, connect and share your message with prospective clients and strategic partners?
If you would like to learn more about any of the tools I have mentioned, feel free to give us a call. And in the meantime, check out a recent episode of More than a Few Words.
photo credit: clevercupcakes via photopin cc