A few years ago, the vast majority of our web design projects involved creating new websites for companies putting their toe in the waters of the Internet. Today, many of the companies we work with have an existing website, but know it’s time for an update.
That was the case with Custom Touch Irrigation. They actually had two different sites, neither of which had been updated recently. Our challenge was to consolidate the information from both sites into one cohesive site with a fresh, modern feel. One of their biggest challenges was trying to decide what information to keep. As with many aging websites, there was content added for a specific purpose, and then forgotten. The old site was filled with broken links and out-of-date information. The redesigin process gave our clients a chance to look at their website with fresh eyes, and only the most relevant information as added to the site. The blog will also give them a home for content with a limited life span. They will be able to add this information without changing their primary navigation.
As a foundation, we selected the Executive Theme from StudioPress. Typically used for more corporate websites, we added large images to give the site a friendlier, more consumer feel. Using their logo as inspiration, we created icons for their irrigation and lighting services to dot the home page.
The portfolio gallery is actually fueled by the standard WordPress media library tool. This became available in the last update of WordPress and it allows us to provide functionally without adding additional complexity to the site. The benefit to our client is that they only need to learn how to use one photo management tool and they never have to worry about the plug in being out of date.
The new site launched just a few weeks ago, in time for the spring planting season. You can see their new website at www.ctirrigation.com