Sure, Pinterest is the darling social network of the moment. But there’s another visually focused social network on the block. Since 2007, Tumblr has been quietly chugging along, amassing 61 million users and more than 16 billion monthly page views.
Tumblr is kind of a strange lovechild between Twitter and a blog. It’s the perfect platform when you don’t have enough to say for a full blog post, but need to get out more than 140 characters. It’s also a great place for sharing photos, supported by a bit of text. People can reblog the content–that is, sharing it on their own blog, much like a retweet on Twitter.
I know, I know. I can hear you groaning from here. Another social network I have to manage? Well, not necessarily. Like we keep telling you, it’s not necessary to be on every social network. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider setting up a Tumblr page for your brand:
1. You’re a broadcasting or news outlet. Some of the best content on Tumblr currently comes from news organizations. In particular, NPR and the public radio show Fresh Air do a great job of sharing the best quotes and excerpts from their interviews, as well as pictures that support and enrich the listening experience. If you have small bits of compelling news to share on a regular basis that can easily spread throughout an Internet ecosystem, Tumblr’s probably a good fit.
2. You’re pursuing a younger, female audience. Like so many of today’s emerging social networks, women are leading the way on Tumblr. While it’s not quite as skewed as Pinterest, a hefty 56% of Tumblr users are female. Furthermore, nearly half of Tumblr users are under the age of 24. If you’re trying to reach teenagers or college students, they’re hanging out on Tumblr. You’ll find tons of fashion brands, like ModCloth, and musicians on Tumblr for this very reason.
3. You love playing with memes and pop culture. Tumblr is dominated by snarkily captioned photos, .gifs from old movies and .gifs from TV shows. If you can tap into that cultural geekiness, Tumblr can be a great way to build your brand and capture some excitement. For instance, Huggies Diapers runs a Tumblr which shares pictures of celebrity babies and children. It allows the brand to draw visitors in with fun content while subtly driving them to other conversion points.
Again, Tumblr isn’t for everyone. For most hardcore B2B companies, there’s no real reason to use Tumblr. But if you’re a youth or female-focused brand with a visual story to tell, check Tumblr out. It might be just the thing for you.