When done well, sales and marketing work hand in hand to drive interested prospects to your door and help them become customers. But actually doing those two activities well takes a little practice and skill.

On July 26, 2012 from 11:00-1:00, Matt Nettleton of Trustpointe and I will be team teaching a seminar entitled Closing Inbound Leads.

In this seminar, you will learn how to use social media and email marketing to drive leads and develop a repeatable, measurable system to handle those inbound leads and grow your revenue.

The program is sponsored by Simons Bitzer, CPAs and Strategic Business Advisors, and will be hosted at the offices of Trustpointe, 6666 E. 75th Street, Indianapolis, IN  46250.

There is no charge to attend and lunch is included. Please RSVP to Raegan Potter at (317) 782-3070 or rpotter@simonsbitzer.com.

And if you can’t get away in the middle of the day, we are offering just the email portion at our office that afternoon at 4:PM. Want to reserve a spot in Roundpeg email session? Register here.    There is no cost to attend, but RSVP’s are required.