Allison and I had a conversation about one of my recent blog posts. She felt I was focusing too much of my attention on the natural SEO benefits of blogging. While that is important, she argued I was ignoring the many other reasons for a business owner to blog.
She is absolutely right. Blogging for business is about more then just SEO. A strong blog is the core of your Internet marketing strategy. It provides content to fuel your social media updates, helps you build credibility and develop content which you can use elsewhere. Blog posts provide a place to showcase work samples, case studies, product updates and company news. Your blog can also support your public relations and offline event activities. And if you do all those other things well, the SEO benefits come along anyway.
Individually, each of these is a valid reason for business owners to consider adding a blog to their Internet marketing. When combined, it is hard to ignore the potential impact a blog can have on your business.
So why do we blog? For all the reasons I mentioned above and one more. We use our blog as a way to help people get to know us, individually and as a group. On any given day you might experience Allison’s gift for words, Peter and Whitney’s adventures in web design or glimpse the world through Jenna’s eyes.
You will travel with us on our adventures through Indianapolis, meet our interns and pets, and from time to time enjoy one of our customer service rants.
Our blog is the best part of the Roundpeg website because it is rich in both content about what we do and who we are. Prospective clients or employees who take the time to read our blog are usually pre-sold before they walk in the door. They feel then know us, and come prepared for fun, smart marketing and a visit with Bonnie, Clyde and Truman.
Blogging is a part of the routine at the little white house we call home. And with everyone taking a turn, the task of keeping it interesting is much easier then it used to be. But even on our busiest days, we take time to blog. Why? Because we wouldn’t be Roundpeg if we didn’t.