When Google+ first rolled out about nine months ago, its biggest selling point was the circles feature. At last, Google cried, we’ll be able to compartmentalize our online lives! By placing your contacts into different circles, you can target what information you want to see–or what information you want to share–with people. Just like you might alter a story when you tell it to your coworkers versus your clients versus your drinking buddies, so can you now tailor your online content in the same way.
It’s a great concept, but it doesn’t go quite far enough. People were still unable to build firm lines between their different circles, sharing information widely without really considering its utility to the people they’re sharing it with. For instance, most of the people in my circles are business contacts. Yet my Google+ stream is still full of posts about puppy dogs, what music people are listening to and even one showcasing photos of bongs in honor of 4/20, all mixed in between posts about SEO and social media. It’s still all a cacophonous mess, falling far short of the dream of real, targeted information reaching the right people at the right time.
But then there’s Pinterest. The fantastic thing about Pinterest is you don’t have to follow a whole person–just the parts of them that interest you. By cherry picking individual boards to follow rather than being forced to look at every update a person posts, you’re able to just follow boards on kittens and infographics while passing over those boards on tattoo design and cupcakes, if that’s not your cup of tea. It’s easier for the pinner to keep track of their own content, and easier for their followers to make sure they’re only getting the information they want. Finally, compartmentalization that works.
So have you jumped into Pinterest yet? Not sure if it is right for you? Check out this footage from our latest Pinterest seminar and learn more about the benefits of filtering content on Pinterest and how the hot new social network is moving the Internet away from its verbal roots and into a more visual future.
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