Hot news this week in Indy: Peyton Manning is no longer with the Colts.
Hotter news this week at Roundpeg: New cat joins the staff at Roundpeg.
What else have you missed this week? Read below:
Saturday – Finding Time to Blog
Try using Allison’s tips to increase your blogging productivity.
Sunday – Social Networking: How Business Gets Shared
Social media provides a fresh venue for referrals.
Monday – Real Rewards
The strategy of creating incentives for consumers to use, buy, share and talk about your product is not new. As you think about using a rewards program, keep it simple and meaningful.
March Press Refresh: 20,000 Mile Service
Press Refresh is a series of seminars offered to our current or former web design clients. This month we cover the topic of website maintenance.
Tuesday – Adding Style with Simplicity
Jenna explains how her latest logo redesign achieves more by simplifying.
MTFW: Tweeting for Sharks
This week we spoke with Carolyn Baumgarten, who manages a social media program for the popular TV series Shark Tank.
Wednesday – Words Count
Doesn’t matter if you’re speaking or writing, using language wisely will convey your message best.
Introducing Truman
Meet the newest member of the Roundpeg crew.
Thursday – How Long Should Blog Posts Be?
For most people, 250-750 words for a blog post is a sweet spot to aim for.
Friday – Ignore This Blog Post
Every blog post we’ve written here offering general advice has a dozen exceptions, a million caveats. So go ahead break all the rules, do what seems right for your business.