When you buy a new car, you know it needs regular maintenance to keep it running. The same is true for your website. New plugins and updates to the WordPress platform occur on a regular basis. To get the most out of your website, you should always run the most current version of each.
In our experience, many of our web design clients don’t always keep up with this small but important task, so we’ve made website maintenance the topic of our March Press Refresh session. Join the Roundpeg crew to learn how to install WordPress system and plugin updates, and how to back up your website. We’ll be holding this month’s session at 4:00 on March 20 at Roundpeg, 1003 E. 106th St., Indianapolis.
Press Refresh is a series of seminars offered on the third Tuesday of every month. These courses are open to anyone whose website was built by Roundpeg. It’s our way of helping you keep your website running like new.
For more information or to register, click here. We hope to see you soon! And in the meantime, here are a few of the blog posts we have written over the years about WordPress plugins and themes :