Blog posts should be as long as they need to be, and no more. Doesn’t that clear everything up? Okay, maybe not. But while that old saying is true, it’s not always very helpful. So let’s see if we can shed some light on this common query.
If you spend any time at all reading blogs around the Internet, you’ll see a tremendous variation in blog post length. Some barely top 100 words, more of a teaser than a blog post. And some run thousands (!) of words, going into great depth and detail on complex issues. Which is right? As usual, the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Typically, we recommend to clients that blog posts run 250-750 words. For those of you not familiar with word count lengths, one page of single-spaced, 12-point font in Microsoft Word is roughly 500 words. Does that sound like a lot? It really isn’t. Sit down and start thinking about a concept you’d want to explain to a client–if it’s of any complexity at all, 250 words is the bare minimum you might need to make your point. If your post is much shorter than that, people might feel jilted, or that clicking the link to read your blog wasn’t worth their time.
Conversely, the Internet is full of people with ADD. People don’t typically come to the Internet to read lengthy dissertations–they’re looking to find an answer to their problem, get in, get out, and get on with their day. So if you find your blog posts nosing much above the 750 word mark, consider breaking the blog post into a series. You can still provide all the information you’d intended, but by breaking it into more manageable chunks, you’ll allow people to read as much (or as little) as they like.
Are there exceptions to this rule? Absolutely. You’ll find posts on our blog that flagrantly break these rules. But for most people, 250-750 words for a blog post is a sweet spot to aim for. It’s enough to incorporate your keywords, get your message across and inform your audience, but you always leave them wanting just a little bit more.
Roundpeg, an Indianapolis ghost blogging firm helps business owners develop relevant content for blogs and newsletters.