Lorraine has been gone all week talking to small business owners on the west coast about social media. But she left behind a few of blog posts, and Allison and Jenna rounded out the rest of the week. So if you haven’t had a chance to stop by all week, here is a look at what you missed:
Saturday – And A Few More Faces of Roundpeg
Lorraine began The Faces of Roundpeg as a lead-in to the 10 year anniversary of Roundpeg, so here are the final few faces.
Sunday – Your Grandmother is on Facebook
Many business owners have the misconception that their clients are not using social media. If this describes you, read this post!
Monday – The Secret to Outsourcing Your Marketing
Outsourcing is not abdication of responsibility. You must assist the hired help in shaping your vision in a way that helps you sell more, be more, do more.
Tuesday – LinkedIn, Really!
Although Facebook, Twitter and others are more fun, LinkedIn provides an all-business approach that works if used properly.
MTFW: Talking about Entrepreneurship
This week we spoke with Cathy Langlois, executive director of the Hamilton County Entrepreneur Advancement Center about entrepreneurship in Hamilton County.
Wednesday – Confessions of a Startup Junkie
Lorraine shares her most recent startup experience, this time traveling to West Lafayette to indulge her startup addiction.
Thursday – Font Swap
Jenna plays with fonts to show how closely they are tied into a brand.
Friday – A Blog: Your Competitive Advantage
Blogging increases traffic, increased traffic=more business.