The Greater Indianapolis Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association (GIPHCC) wants YOU to hire a licensed plumber. They protect consumers from dubious “handyman trucks” through contractor education programs, television commercials and a brand new website that makes it easy to find licensed plumbing contractors.
Based in Indianapolis, the GIPHCC’s membership is a diverse gathering of individuals and representatives of commercial firms. For their new website, they wanted to make a space for their members to sound off on industry news and communicate directly with consumers. When we explained the rich blogging support offered by WordPress, they got very excited.
There are multiple types of user accounts possible, with varying levels of access allowed. We set-up their WordPress installation with an organized system of accounts. GIPHCC members can login to write posts, but publishing to the live website requires approval from an administrative account. A company blog can be chaos for complex organizations, but WordPress makes it simple.
The GIPHCC website features a powerful search tool to help consumers find licensed contractors and an easy to use blogging platform that helps contractors reach out to consumers. Here at Roundpeg, an Indy web design firm, we’re always looking for ways to help our clients upgrade to the latest marketing strategies and technology. Check out to see what we can do.
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