There’s no industry in which the old saw “the cobbler’s children have no shoes” is more true than marketing. We spend so much time focusing on our clients’ success, saving our very best ideas for them, that it’s easy to let our own marketing grow stale and complacent. But as we look towards 2012, it’s time to stop letting our own children go barefoot. Here’s our list of what we want to accomplish in 2012–what goals are you setting for your company in the new year?
- Revitalize our email marketing. We design and write email newsletters for clients every month, but our own is usually a rushed and hurried affair sent off to a stale list that sees few new registrants. No more. We’ve decided to make our newsletter a priority in the new year as a way to provide value to friends and clients as well as keep our name top of mind. So go ahead, sign up in that box to the right. You can choose to join one of our newly segmented lists and start receiving great content twice a month.
- Give back to our clients. You might not know that Lorraine started life as a teacher. In fact, her undergraduate degree is in education. So ongoing education for Roundpeg clients is one of the cornerstones of our business: we believe in empowering clients to take control of their own marketing. While we include WordPress training for all of our web clients, it can be hard for them to stay accountable and engaged in keeping their websites updated. To help them, we’re rolling out a new seminar series, Press Refresh. Open just to our web clients, these seminars help busy business owners continually improve their skills and stay on the track for success.
- Network more. I love social networking. It lets me meet new people while not actually having to be social. For an introvert. it’s fabulous. But let’s face it, nothing replaces good old fashioned face-to-face networking for meeting new prospects and strategic partners. It’s easy to let networking fall to the wayside when you get busy and can justify away its loss with social networking. Ultimately, however, people buy from people they like and trust, and in person networking is the fastest way to build that trust.
- Tinker more. When we launched this website in July, we loved it. It was clean! It was modern! It didn’t have circles! But as we’ve played with it and grown into the site, we’ve realized some things weren’t perfect, like our calls to action or certain page names. So we’re playing with them, doing AB testing, finding what works and jettisoning what doesn’t. In the new year, I hope we keep this constant quest for progress and improvement.
What’s next for you?