It is November. There are two months left to reach your 2011 goals. How are you doing? Now is a great time to buckle down and spend some time mapping a plan to reach them. And if you need a little inspiration about business, social media or management, check out some of this week’s blog posts
Saturday – Faces of Roundpeg: Kyle, My Teacher
An early, unplanned for employee introduced Lorraine to social media.
Sunday – Why I’m Mean to Interns
Why Allison employs tough love with her interns.
Monday – Do You Doodle?
Unlock your brain via pad and paper.
Wednesday – 5 Reasons Not to Link to Your Social Media Accounts
Allison addresses the proper use of Social Media and why not to abuse the opportunities provided.
Thursday – Don’t Be Good at Social Media
How to use Social Media to promote your business objectives.
Friday – Jeb Banner’s Advice on the Future of SEO
Joe summarizes Jeb Banner’s presentation at the Indianapolis American Marketing Association October luncheon.