The weather is turning colder, but things are still hot at Roundpeg. We are working on lots of new web design projects, and Joe starts to get his “sea leg” as a web designer. We also have another week of interesting blog posts from the team. If you haven’t had a chance to stop by this week, here is a sampling of what you missed.
Saturday – The Faces of Roundpeg: Andy, the Practical One
As we wind our way to our 10th anniversary, Lorraine shares stories about the people who are woven into the fabric of Roundpeg. This week, meet her husband Andy, who made her dot her “i’s and cross her “t”s as she started the business.
Blogs Build Better Web Site
We revisit a blog post that is 3 years old, what was cutting edge then still holds true today.
Sunday – Balancing Your Life to Make Your Small Business Better
Guest blogger, Lindsey Paho, explains how balance in your life makes for a better small business.
Monday – Ch-Ch-Changes
How does change affect your business? And if you’re not up for change how comfortable are you with being stagnate?
Tuesday – It’s A Matter of Perspective
Thoughts on questions with no right answer and what those types of questions mean for marketing firms.
Wednesday – MTFW: Marketing to the Modern Homeowner
Did you miss our broadcast this week? We were joined by Branden Fraisier, owner of Gicko Roofing, and talked about marketing and social media tactics being used to deliver messages to modern homeowners.
Thursday – Blasts from the Past
Brittany, one of our interns, goes back to the basics as she explores some of our old blog posts.