As the new month begins, we have a few changes at Roundpeg.   Joe Little joined our team as an account executive.  It has been a short week, but he seems to be settling in to life in the little house.    Look for him on twitter @joseph_m_little and be sure to say hi! And while you are here, check out what we have been talking about all week.

Saturday –

Did You Forget Where You Came From?  – This blog post is a bit of a rant about companies  suffering memory loss.  These firms as they grow are guilty of  forgetting their roots, forgetting the customers and strategic partners who supported them in the early days of their business.

Sunday –

Hippos and Babies : Martin Concepts Logo – There is a first time for everything at Roundpeg, even cute jungle animals. At Roundpeg, we often design logos for very professional clients, such as law offices, manufacturing companies and other more traditional marks. Designing a logo for a company which sells children’s products was really different, but it wound up being a lot of fun.



Is Social Media the Right Path for My Busines – Today’s guest post is by Alan Grainger, based in England, his spelling may be a little different then ours, but his suggestions on social media are right on track.


An Introvert’s Guide to Networking – Our resident introvert, Allison, shares tips on how to make the most of networking, even if it is not where you draw your energy.

Death and Taxes – Many people believe that when you start your first real job, fun goes out the door.  As our newest team member, Joe is discovering that is not the case at Roundpeg


MTFW: Traditional Media 2011 – At Roundpeg we spend a lot of time with clients focused on using social media to “tell their story”  Long before social media, there was PR.   And even today, in a very wired world, there is still a role for traditional PR. This week we talked about the role of traditional public relations in your marketing mix with Jennifer Reginer.  Listen to the interview now. 

Thursday –

Shoot your underdog mentality – Does your business suffer from low self esteem?  No matter how long your business has been running, no matter how good you know you are at what you do, no matter what nice things clients say about you, you lie in bed secretly knowing your business just isn’t good enough. – In this blog post, Allison has the cure.


Brittany Week Four – Rounding out our week is an update from our intern, Brittany Wright