Do you have what it takes to go after the really big clients? And more importantly, should you? Join us as we talk to Dr. Barbara Weaver Smith, (@thewhalehunters) founder and president of The Whale Hunters and Matt Nettleton, (@mattnettleton) my sales coach from Sandler Trustpoint.
Do you have any comments or questions about Whale Hunting? Join the conversation with a comment or question. Post it here, send it to one of us on Twitter. Remember to use the hashtag #MTFW on Twitter, so we can find your comments during the broadcast. Or you can call in during the show at (805) 285 -9865.
The call will be live from 10:30 – 11:00 today, Wednesday, September 14th You will be able to listen to the program from our station on
Listen to the recorded program here: