They say there are two kinds of people in this world: “things” people and “moments” people. Things people are driven by the pursuit of objects and status symbols. Moments people don’t see a price, they see a potential memory. Neither is wrong, the two views are simply different.
In truth, most folks start out as “things” people…why else would so many kids love Christmas morning? But as we age, the value of material things fades, and time with the ones we love starts to matter much more. I’ll be honest, I’ve always been entrenched firmly in the “things” camp. I like to believe I’m still young, driven, and hungry for accomplishment.
As I sit here and think about how to say goodbye, I look up at the screen and see the words on our blog…a blog I helped create. It makes me think about the meetings we had as a team to talk about where we were heading as a company. I remember sitting around and thinking up our new tagline.
I remember the look on Lorraine’s face the moment she realized one of our interns deleted 300 blog posts (don’t worry, Scott, you shall remain nameless.) I remember our launch party, and dedicating all of my engineering knowledge to figuring out how to open a bottle of wine with a hammer and a screw.
I look down at my desk and think about all the Indianapolis web design clients I’ve trained on how to use WordPress. How some of them didn’t even know how to turn a computer on. How some of them were whizzes and learned everything in ten minutes. Most of all, I remember the moment in every training session when everything clicked, and they “got it.” I loved that moment.
I remember walking in every morning and getting crap from Rebecca, who never let me get away with being cocky. I remember playing with Bonnie and Maybee, and trying my best to avoid dealing with Clyde.
And now, when I walk to the back room, I remember sitting around laughing and having “beer-thirty.” I remember watching the fascinated looks on Allison’s face as she watched the latest cat video, and trying to figure out why Jenna has so many weapon-themed earrings. I remember trying to figure out just how Sharayah got so damn good at almost everything. Maybe most of all, I look at Jenna’s desk and remember laughing with Taylor.
And as I start to walk out the door, I remember how every day ended. After packing up, I’d pause at the door to Lorraine’s office as she lifted her head to smile and thank me. She never thanked me for landing a new client or coming through with a big presentation. She thanked me for being a part of what we’d all worked so hard to build. She thanked me for caring about what we had. She thanked me for being me. No, Lanie, thank you.
I guess when it comes to my remembering my tenure at Roundpeg, the things fade away. I didn’t realize it until now, but the moments were what mattered all along.
Over the past year and a half, I’ve taken a ride which seemed too good to be true. I’ve done incredible work, made great friends, and discovered a second family. When I reflect on my years here, I won’t remember the things. It is the moments I will never forget.