Summer is officially over as we say goodbye to the last of our summer interns, Scott Pfeiffer.  

Friends, if you are reading this then the unthinkable has happened, my last day at Roundpeg has come and gone.  I am writing to let you know that it will all be ok.  I have moved on to a peaceful place.  Let me assure you, my moments at Roundpeg were a definite highlight to my so far brief work experience.

Jay was my mentor at Roundpeg.  He taught me everything I know about WordPress.  Of the many projects that I worked on, the Roundpeg web redesign was the most enjoyable .  It really allowed me to learn WordPress from the ground up.  I learned all about creating a website from scratch while helping Roundpeg recreate itself.  And please don’t hesitate to check out my handiwork.  One page I worked on in particular was the Meet Roundpeg page.  I really enjoyed creating the tabs for this page.

Speaking of enjoyed…something else I enjoyed about my internship at Roundpeg was the atmosphere.  Roundpeg is that mythical place where both work and fun can coexist.  Whether we are working (while listening to music of course) watching YouTube videos (of cute animals) or discussing the latest and greatest news, Roundpeg maintains it atmosphere of fun.  Everyone that works here has his or her own unique personality to add to the mix that makes Roundpeg special.  After factoring in Adventures in Dining trips and even a play that we all went to see (Avenue Q), the end result is a very special internship experience.

Now before I depart forever I’d like to personally invite each and every one of you who read this post to come and visit me at my new online home  I will do my best to share my college experiences in blog form.  My goal for this website is to get it on the first page of google.  Now I’ll need some help with that so if you would please drop by and leave me some comments.

Maybe you’ll see me again and maybe you won’t (you will)

Mahalo Roundpeg