Love it or hate it, Klout is one of the most widespread measures of on line influence. Reaching beyond just how many followers it looks at how often people engage you in conversations and share your content. It evaluates not just the volume of conversation, but the level of conversations you have with people who are influential.
It is quite common among members of the Indianapolis social media community to compare Klout scores and tactics to improve them. Why? People with high Klout scores are sought after by advertisers, given free perks ( Klout rewards) to describe their interactions with a product. But it is a far from perfect measure.
Joining Allison and I this week are Scott Howard, Kevin Mullet and Randy Clark to talk about the pros and cons of Klout. ( A word of warning, with this rowdy group heckling is to be expected.)
The call was live from 10:30 – 11:00 on Wednesday, Aug 17. You can listen to the recording from the link below.
More than a Few Words is a podcast produced by Roundpeg an Indianapolis social media company.