Hope your week started off with lots of July 4th fireworks. Since the work week was short, maybe you missed some of our latest posts, catch up here.
Saturday – What Do You Say? Make Podcasts Part of Your Webdesign
The hows and whys of podcasts. They are an important part of the Roundpeg experience, and why they should be a part of yours as well.
Sunday – Me, Myself and My Website
Our intern, Scott, takes his WordPress education and applies it to his own website.
Monday – Linked In and Small Business
As the interest in LinkedIn escalates, we continue to explore its applications for small businesses, check out our latest More Than a Few Words Podcast to hear more.
Tuesday – Lessons From a Big Girl Vacation
Allison shares lessons learned from her recent 2 week trek to Egypt and generalizes the lessons learned for small business owners.
Wednesday – To Your Health
Jay explains how we customize web sites to convey ideas and emotions to support the brand essence of a specific business.
Thursday- Small Business Owners Need to Respect the Age of the Customer
In first half of the last century companies found a competitive advantage on the manufacturing floor. Things shifted in the second half of the last century as the ability to get your product to market became the most critical factor in a company’s success. Now it’s the age of the customer. Your success is built on what customers say about you.
Friday – More Than a Few Words: Sales Conversation with Matt Nettleton
As part of Trustpoint, Matt Nettleton has been Lorraine’s sales coach for the past 18 months. In this latest installment of More Than a Few Words, he shares tips on how to get your sales process moving.