If you’ve succumbed to the latest heat wave by retreating to the pool, beach or where ever your happy, cool place is, here’s what the Roundpeg crew has been up to:
Saturday – New Website Part One: A New Theme
The first step in our new design was finding a theme to freshen our site.
Sunday – New Website Part Two: Brand (Font and Logo)
Once the new theme was selected it was time to reevaluate the font and logo that are almost 10 years old.
Monday – Social Media Is Changing but the Advice Isn’t
Because your clients and potential clients are a moving target, you the small business owner need to regularly evaluate your business strategies including your use of social media.
Monday – New Website Part Three: Brand and Color As we work on revising our website and updating our logo we have spent time revisiting every element of our brand. Today, I want to talk about our color choices.
Tuesday New Website Part Four: Message – A great website is more than just a pretty face. It is the words which support the pictures that complete the package.
Wednesday – Hike Through a Workflow – Every now and then I reach out on twitter, and ask for guest posts. The request is always very open ended. Would you like to share your expertise, as it relates to small business owners?. I never have any specific expectations and I am always delighted by the results. Today’s guest post by Bill Lundy is no exception!
Thursday – Business Can Be a Relay – Our intern Melissa is also chairing a Relay for Life event. In her blog post this week, she shares some thoughts on how similar non profits and small businesses are when it comes to marketing needs.