Oprah Winfrey once said, “You know you are on your way to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.” This sums up my thoughts on my internship at Roundpeg. After working full time for the last several years, it is somewhat scary to take an unpaid internship. However, I like to think of it as an investment in my future, and I’m very excited about honing my skills this summer.
My name is Melissa Hennig, and I’m Roundpeg’s public relations and social media intern for the summer. I’m also a graduate student in public relations management at IUPUI. On top of school and my internship, I’m also the downtown Indianapolis Relay for Life PR chairwoman.
I actually came across the internship for Roundpeg via Twitter. After sending a few tweets back and forth with Allison, I submitted my resume and the rest is history. I’m very excited about enhancing my writing skills this summer, along with learning more about social media. I am slightly obsessed with social media. While in California last week visiting my brother, I made sure I visited Twitter, Google and Facebook. Yes, I’m that girl.
In my free time, I am a huge sports fanatic – Colts, Hoosiers and the Cubs. In the summer you’ll find me at concerts, the Indy 500 or Cubs games. I also travel as much as I possibly can, depending on my schedule and finances. I’ve been all over the world, from the golf courses of Scotland to the beaches of the Caribbean.
Look for more blog posts from me this summer and at networking events around the city, and follow me on Twitter @mhennig1.