We expect many of our listeners will be tuning in a little late this week because they were out celebrating St. Patrick’s Day so we will be serving up a little bit of the hair of the dog on Roundpeg Radio today. Our play list will consist of songs about the Irish, songs about drinking, and songs featuring the word green.
Help us build a play list that an Irishman could be proud of!
And for a little extra fun, check out our latest St. Patty’s video by clicking the Jib Jab image at left.
Drop us a tweet @roundpegradio or post your recommendation here. Remember the play list will be up all week, so you can hear your favorites over and over again.
NOTE: The widget takes a minute to load, and you’ll have to refresh to see the new songs. Make sure your speakers are on!
We are having a little trouble with our widget, so if it isn’t working on your computer, you can hear the playlist on Grooveshark : http://listen.grooveshark.com/playlist/Roundpeg+Radio/30186346?src=5