Want to improve your position on search returns? While the guidelines for search engines vary, recency ( new fresh content) is a key driver for all of them.
And now, with real-time search technology, social media, like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter provide an opportunity to accelerate your rise to the top.
In an interview in the Technology Review, Amit Singhal, Google Fellow shares some insight into how the search engine is using Twitter. He says:
- Tweets are a mainstay of Google’s real-time results
- In the case of tweets, the key is to identify “reputed” followers – (just as links to your site lend credibility to your content, so do tweets, mentions and re tweets from influential individuals)
- You earn reputation, and then you give reputation.
So if Google is relying on Twitter to fuel their real time search results, it raises the question about how small business owners are twitter. To gain a better understanding about their use we have launched a twitter study.
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