Who Creates Content for Your Fan Page?
While many companies are rushing to create fan pages, their social media programs fall a little short because they don’t clearly define roles. They fail to decide who will create content, how often, and about what.
In most of the companies which responded to our survey, the owner seems to be primarily responsible for the direction of the fan page. Especially in small businesses, where the brand is often an extension of the owner’s personality it is critical that he/she provides some of the online voice.
In our Small Business Facebook study we noticed several interesting trends as we took a closer look at who was contributing content to the page:
- If a company had interns they were almost always involved in content creation for the fan page. To me this indicates companies are really not taking Facebook seriously. If they did, would they rely on the least experienced member of their team to lead the content development?
- Prospects were actually more involved then clients in content creation. This is a huge opportunity for small business owners. Reaching out to your clients, encouraging and even offering incentives for them to add posts to your fan page will give broader, positive exposure to your company.
Here are a few more tips from the survey respondents. What would you add to this list?
- Be consistent and frequent in your posting. I post quality content once a day. I also set it up so it also posts to my Twitter and Linkedin accounts.
- Don’t do ‘quote of the month’ (week or day) or you’ll get hidden or deleted.
- Keep your business and personal accounts separate
- Don’t play the games offered or it looks like you have time to waste
- Don’t rely too heavily on facebook. It is NOT your site and is subject to their rules and whims.
Ready for the 2011 study? Add your comments here.
Want to learn more? Since conducting the Facebook study, and our original Social Media study, we have had some much interest in the topic from clients and friends, we have decided to put together a seminar.
Sponsored by the IABC, Social Media Stew will be held December 1st 8 – 9:30 am at the University of Phoenix 7999 Knue Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46250-1932. There is no charge to attend, but seating is limited, so reservations are required. Reserve your seat today.