Throughout the ages, love has inspired ballads, poems, operas, rap songs and country western hits.  So what is your favorite?  When you think about the greatest love songs of all time, what do you think of first?

We’ll start off at 10 am with some of Lorraine’s favorites:  Sinead O’Conner’s  “Nothing compares to you “ , “I’ld do anything for love” by Meatloaf and “Your My Home” by Billy Joel

Those are our starters to get the day going, but the rest of the day is up to you. As always we will be live until 3 PM today. Then the play list will be up all week. So send your song requests to @roundpegradio.

NOTE: The widget takes a minute to load, and you’ll have to refresh to see the new songs. Make sure your speakers are on!