Roundpeg Radio is possible because of advances in technology. Today, the ability to “be a DJ” isn’t limited to a few people in a radio station, anyone can be one. Especially if they have a great group of listeners like ours who are always sending us their suggestions!
So this week, we are looking for your favorite “tech” songs. Techno music and tech themes are terrific.
We will be kicking off at 10 am with with “Blinded by Science” What should we play next?
As always we will be live until 3 PM today. Then play list will be up all week. So send your song requests to @roundpegradio. And although our interns will be gone, Roundpeg Radio will live on. So be sure to come back next Friday too, when our musical theme is technology.
NOTE: The widget takes a minute to load, and you’ll have to refresh to see the new songs. Make sure your speakers are on!
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