As a company, we have deliberately avoided websites which included an e-commerce requirement . While we do several things really well, website storefronts are tedious, time consuming, and clunky in WordPress. At Roundpeg we pride ourselves n the simplicity we provide our clients with the maintenance of their website, and typical e-commerce functionality never fit in that wheelhouse…
…until now.
Recently, we discovered a new plugin which has answered our e-commerce prayers. Ecwid allows us to build an easy, professional-looking web-shopping experience on your site. By signing up for a (free) Ecwid account, you can load products into a virtual store and simply plug the store into anyweb page, including one designed in WordPress.
While their paid version has enhanced functinality, even the free plateform handles hundreds of products with ease, provides sales history by product or client in an easy to download format. With ECWID, we can offer our clients a robust eCommerce platform which they can manage with just a little training. The reuslt? We can better serve our existing clients, and work with clients we wouldn’t have considered in the past. And the more folks we can help, the better!
I highly recommend Ecwid to any WordPress developer looking to provide clients with the quickest, easiest, and most functional e-commerce storefront possible.