These days, everyone form Nike to Nordstrums has a fan page. As I watch this growing trend I wonder why?
The answer: With millions of users, a facebook fan page puts your brand where your customers are hanging out. The viral nature allows you to connect with customers and prospects in a more relaxed setting. The technology makes it easy for your fans to introduce your company to others.
And the process works! In a recent study,Syncapse determined the average value of a Facebook fan is $139. Fans shop more often, spend more and refer more. So with all the activity on Facebook, do you still need a web page?
The answer is definitely YES! While facebook is a great way to interact with clients it is not always the best place to sell. At roundpeg we are working on the balance. While our blog, is a bit more business oriented, with informative posts, and the occasional light hearted feel, our fan page is just for fun. Here you will find photos of our Adventures in Dining lunches, and the staff clowning on Friday’s as we share favorite songs on Roundpeg Radio.
We include a few links to blog posts, but keep that to a minimum. Is it the right strategy? Only time will tell as we add more fans and measure the traffic to our primary site.