We recently had an interesting challenge: to design “sister sites” for two related but separate companies: Polaris Property Management and a blog for Polaris Real Estate. For Polaris Property Management, it was a redesign of their existing site, but the blog is meant to compliment danbaldini.com, the existing site for Polaris Real Estate.

The Polaris Real Estate Navigator Polaris Real Estate Indianapolis 1274814419177

At first glance, the pages don’t look so different. They share a similar simple style, and clean style, along with Taylor’s great banner artwork. However, the content and function of the sites are very different.

The Polaris Manage site is a more traditional site: its intent is to bring in customers. It’s also a way for potential customers to inquire about properties, or for tenants to file maintenance requests.

The blog, however, is a great way to establish credibility in all areas on the Polaris family of companies. By giving value to the web community, the Polaris team is establishing themselves as trustworthy experts when you’re selling your home and business.

This dual-site design was a challenge, sometimes confusing, but in the end, rewarding. We’re pleased with how it turned out, and hope that it brings the Polaris team much success.

If we can help with anything, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at Roundpeg, an Indianapolis web design company.