A few weeks ago, the Roundpeg crew attended the first Indy Social Media Happy Hour. It was a fantastic event put on by Will Hardison of Mediaplug, the Team from BlogIndiana and Scott Wise of Scotty’s Brewhouse. The event gave us the opportunity to witness the true power of social media in our everyday lives.
The Indy Social media Happy Hour did not send out e-mail invites, did not advertise on a single website, and did not make one phone call. The only way someone could find out about (and register for) the event was to hear about it on Twitter. Initially, only 100 tickets were released. No one was sure what kind of response to expect, given no advertising would occur and the events hosts would simply depend on the viral nature of Twitter’s word-of-mouth buzz.
The event sold out in 4 hours.
4 hours.
With absolutely no marketing budget, the IndySMHH sold out and filled the place in which it was held. To me, is the best example I’ve ever seen of the power of social media. The entire IndySMHH team did a fantastic job of harnessing the power of social media and channeled it into something fun and productive. I had the opportunity to meet so many wonder folks who I might never would have had a chance to otherwise.
The best part…they’re planning another one on April 19 . Just make sure to keep checking that Twitter feed…
Follow Indy Social Media Happy Hour on Twitter here.