One of my favorite writers on the Havard Business Blog is Anthony TJan, who wrties a column entitled Upstarts and Titans. His thoughts, suggestions and ideas are often as relevant for the small business owner as they are for the  CEO of a multinataional firm.

I thought that was especially true when I  read his post entitled Every CEO Should Write an Annual Memo to the Board. He requires each of his clients to write a one page summary of the year  that is closing, and plans for the year ahead.   The document should include lessons learned, as well as plans  and goals for the following year.

I love this idea.  Each year I review my business plan, and rewrite large sections of the document to reflect changes in the business, but a one page summary focused on lessons learned is a different twist.  I am going to give it a try, because I really believe without learning from mistakes, I  will be doomed to repeat them.

So I am getting ready for 2010. Are you?


BusinessMap Seminar: December 17 or January 21