With all the “so called” SEO, Blogging and Social Media experts cropping  up on a daily basis, it is refreshing to find someone who really is an expert.  Doug Karr author of the Marketing Technology Blog, really knows his stuff when it comes to blogging for business.

In a new eBook he has boiled down effective business blogging to five key elements, and then explains how to maximize each element.  While he admits he won’t write your content for you, he does have great tips on how to develop new ideas, engage readers and publicize what you write.

So if you are just getting started, or well on your blogging way, this is must reading!

Doug’s Key components to a successful business blogging strategy: 


  1. The platform’s ability to present the content to search engines effectively
  2. The use of keywords and phrases to attract search engine traffic.
  3. Compelling content that meets the expectations of the visitor and encourages them to engage your business.
  4. A path to engagement
  5. Effective publicizing of the content through every other medium available.

 To  discover how to put some of these compenents into action, you will just have to buy the book – And at $9.99 it is well worth the investment!