The other day, I heard Ken Johnson, the chaplain for the Indianapolis Colts speak to a group of business owners.  While he had many valuable, inspirational and funny things to say to the audience, there was one quote which resonated with me.

He said: “If you are the smartest person you know, your circle is too small!”

And the more I thought about it, the more I knew he was right.  We all like to feel “smart”, we like to be respected, and valued for what we know and what we do.  But, particularly as small business owners, we need to surround ourselves with people who will push us, ecourage, and challenge us to do more, to do better, to change!

This idea of circles, and the roles other people play in your life, will be the theme of my upcoming presentation for the  Southeastern Indiana Women’s Conference later this month.

It is easy for small business owners to feel alone, and isolated, but it doesn’t work very well if you are.  Seek out other business owners, who will be good sounding boards, and perhaps have gone through many of the same challenges you are facing.

And remember it is a two way street, and sometimes, you have to be the one listening, supporting and suggesting too!