I love looking at old advertisements. While today’s technology allows us to do so much more then our predecessors, there is much to be learned from their simple and direct style. With less photography, the ads often relied on sketches and drawings to bring the ads to life. For example check out this coffee advertisement.
While few of us still wear suits and ties for work, most of us still have that same smile as we enjoy our first cup of coffee each morning. Long before Starbucks arrived, there were neighborhood coffee shops and news stands which fueled the workers of America with cheap coffee.
Here is another one of my favorites! It is an old advertisement for Coca Cola. Look at his smile as he fills both hands with bottles of his favorite beverage. It makes you want to reach out and grab one! And the tag line is designed to get people to think of Coke as a destination rather then a beverage – a rest stop in your busy day.
The art style of this ad, common in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s is almost gone now because it is easier to create a photograph then a painting to convert to an ad, but a bit of American art has clearly been lost!
Do you have a favorite retro advertisment or two? I would love to see them!
Feel free to share your links below!