When I started Roundpeg seven years ago, it was just me. Like many small business owners, when I wrote copy for the marketing material I chose phrasing to make it sound as if there was a whole company “the team at Roundpeg” “we”, “our clients”, “our philosophy”. And I imagined what it would be like someday when it wasn’t just me.
Today, Roundpeg is a “we”. Finding and hiring talented people was the easy part; releasing some of the control, allowing others to contribute to the brand, that was tougher. But I have discovered the more I let go of the control, the more we grow!
The first steps were easy, bringing them to networking events then letting them go on their own. If you are here in Indy you have probably run across them at a Rainmaker or Smaller Indiana event. Next I started to bring them along on client calls, and now, many of those conversations occur without me. At first I felt like the teenage girl who had introduced two of her best friends, and they went out without me. Once I realized the clients were well taken care of, I was much more comfortable letting go.
And finally, I am starting to share Business notes from Roundpeg. This isn’t just my personal blog. Although I work hard to let my personality come through, it is about our company, so more an more you will see posts by the rest of the team.
Look for Taylor and Erica to share samples of their work. Taylor’s speciality is graphic design, and Erica is a whiz with WordPress. They have both been pretty busy lately, and have some cool projects to share. Annalise is our PR specialist and you can see the results of much of her work on IndyBiz. Here I am going to encourage her to share tips on how to improve your own PR.
I am lucky to be surrounded by a group of talented people who like what they do, and with a little encouragement have much to share. I hope you will enjoy seeing their contributions here from time to time. If you do, drop them a comment or two!