January is not over yet, so there is still time for a few more posts about goals and resolutions.
While I know my goals, am not sure about the resolutions. I read this post by Ben Barden, and got a few ideas on how to think differently about the process. I think it is good advice for me personally as well as for my planning as a small business owner.
My favorite:
Don’t make resolutions for the whole year.
If you only set objectives once a year, it’s quite likely that you’ll forget about them once the year is in full swing. You might give your resolutions a cursory look at points throughout the year, but you don’t feel much urgency because you have the whole year to do them. Then before you know it, it’s almost Christmas and you’ve achieved nothing. The New Year should not be the only time when you set resolutions.
I think this is especially true this year. With a rocky start, I expect there will be lots of twists and turns in 2009. Savvy small business owners must be prepared to bob and weave along with the changes. Continually readdressing goals, resolutions and strategies will help you stay ahead of the curve.