This from Jason Falls in a post entitled Social Media Hope or Hype
The reason is so many business are still rushing to “do social media” that few of them will “do” it right. … Businesses, especially big brands, are used to immediate payoffs, not long-haul, foundation building from a strategic standpoint. It’s sad, but they’ll bail and run because they don’t know any better and their CMO is aware his or her average lifespan is 23 months.
I have been blogging consistently for about 18 months and I am just beginning to build momentum. On a good day, I get one or two comments, but I know for every comment, there are 2 – 3 people who stopped by, read the note and moved on.
Someday I hope for a blog, with lots of interaction, a few but not too many snarkey comments, and some disagreement among my readers. Till then, I am realist, the primary reason for this blog is to drive draffic to my site, and raise my standings with search engines, and help establish me as a small business marketing expert, and that is working extremely well.