As a small business owner it is important to remember you may own your own business, but you don’t have to do it alone.  There are many great, and often free business resources, sometimes simply inexpensive resources you can turn to.  Where can you find these business resources? Here are just a few places in Indianapolis:

  • SBDC – Counselors trained to help you find the local and national resources you may need – located in most metropolitan areas.  Here in Indy Victoria Hall and her team offer a wide range of seminars and tools to support Central Indiana Businesses.  Nationally you can find an SBDC chapter
  • SCORE – Service Corps of Retired Executives Find a SCORE chapter – Retired business owners volunteer and share wisdom. While many of these execs have never started a business from scratch, they have great strengths in management and budgeting.  If you are writing a business plan, the score financial model is a terrific resource.
  • Business Owner Initiative of Indiana – Similar to the SBDC, this group focuses much of their resources on Inner City, disadvantaged business owners, trying to develop cottage and home based businesses.  They also house the local SBA Women’s Center.

In addition to these groups there are some wonderful on-line business resources.

And of course, you will find lots of great training and business resources right her on One of my favorite is our business plan kit. Download a copy today.

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