CAUTION – TODAY’S POST IS A BIT OF RANT. So if you are looking for my typical gentle advice and prodding, this may seem a bit harsh.
As I talk to clients about adding a blog to their web site, I often get the same excuse: Not Enough Time!
Well, I am tired of hearing that lame excuse. Blogging does not have to be time consuming! A short blog post, with a link to something of interest to your readers, takes just a few minutes to write. Today’s link: What’s Wrong with Short Blog Posts by Mike Sansone
Don’t have time to find information? Do you have time to read a newspaper or trade journal? Then you have time to find something worth sharing with your customers. And if you don’t… how are you staying on top of your game, keeping informed and one step ahead of your competitors?
If you don’t have time to research – a little, and blog a little ( short posts evry few days) your small business, may have a much bigger problem.