what you measure, matters

stop guessing

Discover how to transform data from your reports into action plans. Start putting your numbers to work for your today! 

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Metrics – can be like magic.

Have you wondered: how can the reports and analytics of digital marketing give you the insight and key info you need to succeed? This workbook will take you step-by-step through the amazing data generated by all the key online marketing tools – and give you tips on how to use it. You’ll learn about:

Interpreting Email Reporting

Learn how open and click-through reports can help you determine which of your products/services are hot, which are not, and how to test for the best results.

Calls to Action

Discover messaging that actually WORKS.

Tips for Timing

Best times, days and ways to get the response you want.

Using Surveys & Registration

How evaluating event registration and survey response patterns can help improve your next campaign by leaps and bounds.

SWOT analysis downloadable worksheet from Roundpeg

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